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Health Ministry Questions Dr. Shanmugarajah's Credibility

THE Secretary to the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition, Dr. H. A. P. Kahandaliyanage has questioned the veracity and credibility of statements attributed to a doctor said to be working in the no-fire zone in north-eastern Sri Lanka.

"I wish to draw your attention to a statement released by one Dr. Shanmugarajah, allegedly a District Medical Officer (DMO) of a hospital in the Mullaitivu District that has been circulated to foreign media agencies. I am made to understand that in this release it is stated that indiscriminate shelling and firing by the Security Forces of the Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) has resulted in more than 300 civilian deaths," the Secretary said in a media release.

He added "The Provincial Director of Health Services in the Northern Province has informed me that though one Dr. Shanmugarajah had worked as a Medical Officer in the Mullaitivu District, he has had no contact with the Provincial Health Authorities or the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition since October 2008. Therefore no credibility can be given to statements released by Drs. Shanmugarajah in any capacity".

Cautioning against reliance on the statements made by this person, Dr. Kahandaliyanage states said that the international community should view this and future statements if released by this alleged DMO, Dr. Shanmugarajah with caution, as the Provincial Health Authorities and the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition has had no information as to the existence and whereabouts of this officer since October 2008, and is of the view that such statements are being made with the vested interest of bringing disrepute to the GOSL." (Courtesy: The Island)