2017-02-05 22:03:44
To mark the 69th Independence Day, 24 Division Headquarters at Ampara under the Security Force Headquarters- East offered a lunch treat to 40 inmates at the ‘Sarana’ Elders’ Home, Ampara and carried out a cleaning project on the eve of the National Independence Day.
2017-02-05 18:45:35
Below is the message issued by HE the President on account of 69th Independence Day; Today our country completes 69 years of the freedom from colonial rule. I am very pleased with this occasion to hold this 69th independence celebration with high dignity.....
2017-02-05 18:44:36
A ‘Shramadana’ campaign was conducted to clean the Budumaga Senasuna Temple in Kundasale on Friday (3) with the participation of 1 Sri Lanka Rifle Corps (SLRC) troops.
2017-02-05 18:44:32
Directorate of Psychological Operations conducted another awareness programme on ‘Child Rights and Domestic Violence’ on the instructions of the Commander of the Army at the 11 Division Headquarters premises on Tuesday (31).
2017-02-04 18:41:02
Responding to an appeal made by the District Secretary for Ampara, troops at Combat Training School (CTS), Ampara on Friday (3) carried out a ‘Shramadana’ drive covering the Ampara town area and sideways of the Inginiyagala road, infested with garbage and other remnants.
2017-02-04 18:23:52
Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-W) organized a ‘Shramadana’ campaign to clean up the school premises and its surroundings at the Sri Parakrama Maha Vidyalaya in Panagoda to coincide with the 69th Independence Day celebrations on Friday (3).
2017-02-04 18:23:41
A programme that has been devised by the Directorate of Psychological Operations at the Army Headquarters to elevate the spiritual standards as well as mental peace among hardworking service officers and other ranks, had one more meditation session at Kanduboda, Siyane International Vipassana Bhavana Centre on Thursday (2).
2017-02-04 16:50:41
To coincide with the 69th Independence Day, troops of the Security Force Headquarters-Central (SFHQ-C) launched a ‘Shramadana’ campaign in the town area of Diyatalawa on Friday (3).
2017-02-02 14:45:15
Students numbering 113 learning at the remote Veherapelessa Junior School in one corner of the Hambantota District recently received school accessories free of charge as incentives, owing to the generosity...
2017-02-01 13:41:50
Sri Lanka Army’s Chief of Staff, Major General Channa Goonetilleke has been invited to be a Juror in the World Human Resources Development Congress, (WHRDC) in Mumbai, India during February 15-17.