
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Sri Lanka Army Establishment

The Army Act was enacted in parliament on the 10th of October 1949 which is recognized as the day, the Ceylon Army was raised. The Army was to be comprised of a Regular and a Volunteer force and the initial requirement was to raise the following units in the Regular and Volunteer Forces. There were no formations and all units were directly functioning under Army Headquarters. Temporary field headquarters were formed at the time of a requirement as it was done during the 1958 communal riots. The first field formation was raised in 1963, to prevent illicit immigration from South India. This headquarters was known as Task Force Anti Illicit Immigration (TFAII), which was disbanded in 1981. In May 1972, when Ceylon became the Republic of Sri Lanka, all Army units were renamed accordingly.

Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force

Security Force Headquarters

Regimental Centres

* SLAC - Sri Lanka Armoured Corps
* SLA - Sri Lanka Artillery
* SLE - Sri Lanka Engineers
* SLSC - Sri Lanka Signal Corps
* SLLI - Sri Lanka Light Infantry
* SLSR - Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment
* GW - Gemunu Watch
* GR - Gajaba Regiment
* VIR - Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment
* MIR - Mechanized Infantry Regiment
* CDO - Commando Regiment
* SF - Special Forces Regiment
* MIC - Military Intelligence Corps
* CES - Corps of Engineer Services
* SLASC - Sri Lanka Army Service Corps
* SLAMC - Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps
* SLAOC - Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps
* SLEME - Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
* SLCMP - Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police
* SLAGSC - Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps
* SLAWC - Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps
* SLACAL - Sri Lanka Army Corps of Agriculture & Livestock
* SLRC - Sri Lanka Rifle Corps
* SLAPC - Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps
* SLNG - Sri Lanka National Guard

Training Centres

* ARTRAC - Sri Lanka Army Training Command
* SLMA - Sri Lanka Military Academy
* AWC - Army War College
* ATS - Army Training School
* ITC - Infantry Training Centre
* CTS - Combat Training School
* APTS - Army Physical Training School
* VFTS - Volunteer Force Training School
* MSTS - Marksman Sniper Training School
* NCOTS - Non-Commissioned Officer Training School
* LTS - Language Training School
* IPSOT-SL - Institute of Peacekeeping Support Operations Training Sri Lanka
* ASL - Army School of Logistics
* SLACDRT - Sri Lanka Army Centre For Disaster Response Training