
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Military Highlights

  • Troops Destroy Cannabis Cultivation in Tanamalwila

    2021-08-11 15:00:16

    Troops Destroy Cannabis Cultivation in Tanamalwila

    On information received from Military Intelligence, troops of the 12 Division under command to the Security Force HQ - Central on Tuesday (3) raided a Cannabis (Ganja) cultivation in the general area of Kem Hatha Wewa in Tanamalwila and destroyed it.

  • FMA- North Central Troops Learn about Organic Farming

    2021-08-11 14:15:18

    FMA- North Central Troops Learn about Organic Farming

    In order to follow the Government's policy and to be in line with the 'Thru Mithuru-Nawaratak' concept of the Sri Lanka Army Chief, General Shavendra Silva, the Forward Maintenance Area-North /Central organized a lecture on 'Methods for Production of Organic Fertilizer' in the 3 Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps (SLAMC) - Nelumkulama camp premise on 06 August 2021.

  • 551 Brigade Conducts Disinfection in Point Pedro

    2021-08-11 14:00:16

    551 Brigade Conducts Disinfection in Point Pedro

    Troops of the 551 Brigade recently carried out a sterilization programme in Point Pedro town when the town was re-opened for the general public after a COVID-19 lockdown of 14 days.

  • Panagoda Vaccination Centre & Island-wide Ones in Full Swing

    2021-08-10 15:34:05

    Panagoda Vaccination Centre & Island-wide Ones in Full Swing

    The national vaccination, being conducted by Army medical personnel at Panagoda Bodhi Rajaramaya (Army Temple) was closely supervised by Major General Sujeewa Senarathyapa, Commander, Security Forces-West on Monday (9)...

  • New Director Budget & Financial Management Assumes Office

    2021-08-10 15:27:32

    New Director Budget & Financial Management Assumes Office

    Brigadier Saliya Pathmashantha assumed office as the 15th Director of the Directorate of Budget and Financial Management on Monday (9) in his office at the Army Headquarters during a brief ceremony. After brief religious observances, the newly...

  • SLAGSC Troops Take to Cultivation of Tea Saplings

    2021-08-10 14:30:47

    SLAGSC Troops Take to Cultivation of Tea Saplings

    1 Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps (SLAGSC) troops a few days ago began cultivating tea (Silvertip Tea) saplings in a land patch inside the Diyatalawa detachment as a pilot project. To be in line with the Army's, 'Thuru Mithuru Nawaratak', initiated by the...

  • 118 Deaths Reported - NOCPCO

    2021-08-10 14:00:47

    118 Deaths Reported - NOCPCO

    As of this morning (11), a total of 2,922 more persons were confirmed positive to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. Among them, 18 were Sri Lankan expatriates. The rest 2,904 were locally-identified positive cases, including the majority 511 from Colombo District, 402 from Gampaha District, 363 from Kalutara...

  • 7 GW & 9 SLNG Troops in Mullaittivu Conduct Disinfection Programmes

    2021-08-10 13:45:47

    7 GW & 9 SLNG Troops in Mullaittivu Conduct Disinfection Programmes

    Troops of 7 Gemunu Watch and Sri Lanka National Guard under command to the 681 Brigade under the Security Force HQ- Mullaittivu conducted a disinfection project. Accordingly, 7 Gemenu Watch troops covered Bharathi Maha Vidyalaya...

  • Deputy Chief of Staff on SLASC Inspection Visit Meets Officers

    2021-08-10 13:21:47

    Deputy Chief of Staff on SLASC Inspection Visit Meets Officers

    The Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Wasantha Madola on Friday (6) conducted an administrative inspection on the Sri Lanka Army Service Corps (SLASC) Regimental Headquarters at Panagoda. Major General Mahesh Abeyerathne, Colonel Commandant...

  • Development of Sports Schools Underway

    2021-08-10 12:17:46

    Development of Sports Schools Underway

    Sri Lanka Engineer (SLE) troops continuing their Presidential assignments as per directions of the Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, General Shavendra Silva have successfully completed the construction of a school playgrounds...