
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th May 2024 08:11:59 Hours

Welfare and Administrative Affairs of Retired Army Personnel in Dambulla and Galewela Areas Discussed at 53 Infantry Division

53 Infantry Division organised an event with the participation of more than 500 retired War Veterans and Next of Kin at Dambulla and Galewela area on 11 May 2024 with the intention of inquiring about their wellbeing and addressing their administrative matters.

The State Minister of Defence, Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, graced the occasion as the chief guest. Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army together with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, the President of Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) also took part in the event.

Seven Directorates of Army Headquarters, including Directorate of Pay & Records, Directorate of Army Benevolent Fund, Directorate of Personnel Administration, Directorate of Legal Services, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Directorate of Welfare, Directorate of Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation and Directorate of Army Medical Services, had established seven help desks where War Veterans had the facility to report their complaints and inform about their matters.

The Commander of the Army together with a group of Senior Officers extended a warm welcome to the arriving chief guest. Soon after, Brigadier S.C Ekanayake RSP, Director Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation delivered the welcome note.

During his speech, the State Minister of Defence commemorated the fallen War Heroes and appreciated the gathering for their service rendered to the Nation. Further, he commended the troops on active service, who eagerly fulfilled their duties with patience during challenging times. Moreover, he explained ongoing welfare projects and those in the planning stage.

Afterwards, the gathering was given the opportunity to express their thoughts and clarify their doubts. During the session, the State Minister of Defence, the Army Chief and respective Senior Officers addressed the questions raised.

Afterwards, 81 dry ration packs were distributed by the chief guest together with the Commander of the Army to the fallen War Heroes’ families, which was arranged by the ASVU.