
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

10th June 2024 17:30:48 Hours

VIR - SVB 27th Annual General Meeting Offers More Reliefs

The 27th Annual General Meeting of the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment Seva Vanita Branch (VIR - SVB) was held under the guidance of Mrs. Thushara Yatiwawala Aluvihare, Chairperson, VIR - SVB on 02 June 2024 at the VIR Regimental HQ.

The Chairperson delivered a meaningful speech, emphasizing the need for unity among all members and the cultivation of positive attitudes to achieve VIR - SVB objectives effectively.

During the occasion, 29 gift parcels were presented to Officers and Other Ranks serving at VIR Regimental Centre. Additionally, a sum of Rs. 50,000.00 was presented to a VIR soldier for his daughter's cancer treatment. Another Rs. 50,000.00 was donated to a civilian employee of VIR to support his son's university education.

Mr. Sahan Deeptha, a dance instructor, conducted a lecture on Western dancing. Afterwards, Major General S.R.B. Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Colonel of the Regiment, Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, handed over Rs. 500,000.00 to the Chairperson to strengthen the VIR - SVB fund.

At the conclusion, medical saplings were presented to each participant of the AGM.