
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

07th October 2023 12:21:27 Hours

Unparalleled Sacrifices of Fallen War Heroes Remembered to Coincide with 74th Army Anniversary

The Sri Lanka Army on the verge of maturing into its 74 years of victorious existence and legacy refreshed the memories of invaluable sacrifices of War Heroes in a solemn, yet dignified commemorative ceremony on Friday (6) afternoon at Battaramulla War Heroes’ Monument (Ranaviru Smarayakaya).

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest for this formal commemorative event added prioritized prominence to the occasion as the incumbent head of the Sri Lanka Army on the eve of its 74th Army Anniversary Day (October 10).

This outstanding tribute, a prominent gesture of gratitude to immortalize cherished memories of fallen War Heroes is held by the Army, ahead of its anniversary every year after the successful eradication of terrorism from Sri Lanka 14 years ago. It equally symbolizes the deep-rooted respect the Army attaches to unmatched gallantry of thousands of fallen War Heroes who sacrificed their precious lives in order to restore peace and harmony in the country.

This year’s remembrance was scheduled, just days before the Army Day’s main spectacle on 10 October after a series of religious observances of all faiths.

Soon after Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage’s arrival at the location, the recital of the National anthem and the Army Song set the stage ready for the vigil and the subsequent observance of a two-minute silence in honour of fallen patriots. An elegantly-dressed soldier then rose to his feet to publicly proclaim the saga of how Sri Lankan armed forces with their unparalleled bravery and courage brought peace to Sri Lanka defeating the three-decade long brutal LTTE terrorism before May 2009.

The day's Chief Guest, along with several Senior Army Officers afterwards solemnly inched his way to the War Heroes’ Monument, laid floral wreaths and saluted the War Heroes who laid their precious lives for the sake of others. It was truly a moment, filled with grief as well as gratitude but the magnificent monument appeared firm, unmoved and unbowed, having immortalized the memory of the Nation’s war heroes for the living to see.

After the Commander of the Army placed the first wreath, Senior Officers, Officers, Warrant Officers, Senior Non-Commissioned Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers representing all ranks of the Army followed suit and paid their respects.

Next, sounded the Last Post honouring their memory in typical manner as trumpeters of the Army joined together to play the melody as dusk was encroaching the area. Sounding of the 'Reveille' in conformity with military traditions brought the formal ceremony to an end.

Senior officers including Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Director General, Financial Management Branch, Quarter Master General, Security Force Commanders, Principal Staff Officers, Senior Officers and Officers were there to salute past memories of those who would be remembered for generations to come.