
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

22nd December 2023 05:39:57 Hours

UNIFIL Troops Appreciate Comradeship of All UN Peacekeepers

A socialization event, organized by the 14th Sri Lanka Force Protection Company (SLFPC) in Lebanon took place on Friday (15 December) at the Sri Base Camp, Greenhill, Naquora. The event aimed to enhance the mutual bond and comradeship among peacekeeping troops at the UNIFIL Headquarters in Lebanon.

At the invitation of the Contingent Commander, fellow peace-keepers, including officers and troops from different contingents with various cultural backgrounds, joined this occasion. They showcased the beauty of diversified ethnic and cultural nature at the UNIFIL HQ and presented entertaining features.

The programme was held to appreciate and praise the commitment of peacekeepers and sustenance of friendly working relations among all nationals during the prevailing challenging times in Lebanon.