
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

07th November 2016 15:44:52 Hours

Troops Support Release of Army-Renovated Canal Water

The south bank canal of the Vavunikulam reservoir, which earlier carried water to many hundreds of acres of agrarian land in Vavunikulam - Thunukkkai areas, was re-opened after release of water along it on Thursday (3).

A total of 1070 troops of the 65 Division with the support of about 500 members of the farming community in the area, began to clear wild bushes and heaps of stagnant soil inside the canal on October 7, 2016, in response to a request of the civilians who are mostly dependent on farming.

The canal remained in an abandoned state and unused for so many years. Troops on request joined hands with volunteering civilians in the area and finished the job in less than a month and thus released water, enabling farmers to commence their cultivations in the Maha season.

Vavunikulam Irrigation Engineer, Technical Officers in the Regional Irrigational Office, Army officers and other rankers, beneficiaries and people in the area attended the water releasing ceremony.

An Army representative and a member of the farming community opened the sluice gate, facilitating the water flow as civilians went on invoking blessings as per Hindu traditions.

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