
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Published on - 10/4/2007

Tigers Announce Their Dead Cadres

VAVUNIYA: HYSTERICAL EXCHANGE of terrorist communication transmissions since the fresh bout of Tiger (LTTE) violence that occurred in a few places including VILACHCHIKULAM and THAMPANAI, west of OMANTHAI during the whole of Wednesday (3) reaffirmed twelve of their terrorist cadres had perished during confrontations.

Terrorist transmissions announced V. ARASAN (490), ANBUMARAN (232), NANDARAI (371), SOLVAN (372), OLIAN (339), KEERALAN (362), YALIMBAN (354), PULICHOLAN (379), SUBESHAN and SOLAN died in the confrontations. However, names of two more dead cadres have been declared.

Likewise, Tiger terrorists, AMBI, SADISA, NILAWAN, PURACHCHIYARAN, KALAWALAN and nineteen others according to these announcements have received critical injuries in the clashes.