
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Published on - 8/4/2008

Tigers' Mallavi Losses Stand Twenty-five Killed

MULLAITTIVU: TECHNICAL SOURCES and monitored LTTE transmissions in the Wanni on Monday (4) confirmed the fact that intense fighting for capture of MALLAVI Tiger strongholds, about thirteen km west of MANKULAM on A-9 road has inflicted Tiger (LTTE) losses as high as some 25 terrorists killed and over 60 injured, Wanni military sources announced.

Heavy rounds of fighting erupted in MALLAVI, following Army's entry into the area on 31st July went on till late Friday (1) evening, as terrorists stepped up their resistance against advancing troops. Initial reports said only nine terrorists were killed and twenty-seven injured in the fights for supremacy.

However, latest reports confirmed Tigers badly affected by the loss of twenty-five of their cadres in MALLAVI, were hurriedly sending SOS appeals for blood and medicine as terrorists sustained injuries during those confrontations were sixty, contrary to what was reported on 2nd August (See Situation Report titled “Intense Fighting Erupts in Mallavi”)