
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Published on - 7/10/2008

Three Tiger Cadres Give Up Terrorism &; Surrender

THREE HARDCORE TIGER CADRES, fully frustrated with LTTE's inhuman cycle of violence and ill-treatment have sought refuge under the Security Forces in newly-captured Palamoddai in Vavuniya after giving up the terrorist organization.

All three cadres in their twenties during their harrowing confessions told the Army troops that they were subjected to rigorous terrorist training along with a few hundred of others in Kattakadu, Palammoddai and Maniwannan areas.

“On 25th September 2007 Tigers stormed my house in Maviladethuram, Adappan and took me by force to an LTTE training base in Palammoddai area. I was forced to undergo training with 220 more youths like me. It was a terrible experience and I decided to run away. My parents are at home and they are extremely worried about my future,” the twenty-eight year old escapee, identified in the LTTE as “Alageshan” has gone on record saying.

“Tigers took me into their custody on 27th September 2007 and carried me to a terrorist training base at Maniwannan where I was forced to undergo training for about one and half month. When the troops were approaching that training base, I surrendered myself to the troops. We are now leading a good life under the troops. LTTE will never be able to realize their goal,” the other twenty-seven year old escapee has told the troops.

The third escapee has got to say the following; “Tigers abducted me in September 2007 when I was fleeing Wanni areas in order to enter cleared areas and surrender to the Army. However, on the way a few terrorists questioned me and took me away in a van. Later on, a military training with some 200 others was given to me in Kattakadu area. Afterwards, I was taken to the defence line under the LTTE's 'Imran Pandiyan Unit.' We were without food, bathing and suffered heavily under those Tigers. I appeal to all others in the same plight to give up LTTE and surrender to the troops. They would be able to enjoy a better future under the troops, I am sure.”

(Names and proper identities of those surrendered LTTE cadres are withheld due to questions of Human Rights & security reasons)