
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

14th May 2024 22:10:32 Hours

State Minister of Defence Visits Commando Regiment

The State Minister of Defence, Hon Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, made an official visit to the Regimental Center Commando Regiment on 06 May 2024.

Upon his arrival, the State Minister of Defence was warmly welcomed by the Colonel of the Regiment, Commando Regiment, Major General P.G.P.S Rathnayaka RWP RSP ndc. Afterwards, a presentation on the Commando Regiment was displayed at the conference hall. Following that, the Hon. Minister was invited to pose for a group photograph with the all Commandos. After that, he graced the opening ceremony of the temple inside the Commando Regiment and unveiled the plaque of newly constructed walakulu wall, bodhi prakaraya, dharma mandapaya.

Thereafter, the State Minister of Defence visited the B camp premises followed by the troops address. In his speech, he emphasized the military's role in shaping individuals with moral, courageous, and disciplined traits, crucial for societal development under experienced military leadership.

The Minister then observed a war dog show by the K9 group, along with demonstrations on rappelling and Close Quarter Battle firing related to hostage rescue missions by the Commando Regiment's operatives. He also witnessed a firing skills demonstration by Commandos at the 100-meter range.

The visit concluded with the Hon State Minister signing the visitors' book after a lunch session in the Officers’ mess.

Senior Officer, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the programme.