
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

09th February 2016 22:04:31 Hours

Sri Lankan & Korean Battalions in Lebanon Perform Religious Observances

Both Buddhist officers and other ranks in Lebanon-based Sri Lankan and Korean peacekeeping missions (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon - UNIFL) recently conducted a prayer session for world peace and promotion of brotherhood among those serving in the UNIFL at the  Sri Lankan Battalion Headquarters premises. 

Organized by the Sri Lanka Force Protection Unit (SLFPU) team, the programme invited one Korean Buddhist monk to perform religious observances on behalf of both Sri Lankan and Korean Battalion troops in Lebanon. 

All the participants in the programme were offered lunch after presenting a memento to the Head of the Korean Battalion and Pirikara to the performing monk. The event launched as a notion of the SLFPU Commander saw all of them posed for a group photo at the end of the spiritual event.