
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

11th May 2024 07:40:01 Hours

The Sri Lanka Army and High Commission of India Collaborate to Artificial Limb Fitment Project

The Sri Lanka Army, in bilateral cooperation with the High Commission of India in Sri Lanka, initiated a programme to manufacture artificial limbs at the Ranaviru Sevana, Ragama. This endeavour not only signifies the enduring bond between Sri Lanka and India but also reflects a collective commitment to support those who have made sacrifices for the nation's security and are now confronting challenges due to disabilities.

Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, the State Minister of Defence graced the event as the chief guest. Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Hon. Santosh Jha, General G.D.H Kamal Gunaratne (Rtd) WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc Mphil, Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army and Commandant of Ranaviru Sevana, Ragama also participated in the event.

The programme commenced on 03 May 2024, with the participation of 8 Indian resource personnel from Shree Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti, Jaipur, renowned for their expertise in artificial limb production. This programme, which is scheduled to completed on 23 May 2024, aims to provide artificial limbs to 375 Army, 25 Navy, 25 Air Force and 25 Police personnel. Apart from this, it is planned to distribute artificial limbs to 200 civilians.

The proceedings began with a warm welcome extended to the Chief Guest by Major General S.U.M.N. Manage (Rtd) WWV RWP RSP psc, Chairman of Ranaviru Seva Authority. The event continued with the lighting of an oil lamp by the distinguished guests, followed by an opening statement by the Chairman of Ranaviru Seva Authority. Subsequently, the High Commissioner of India addressed the gathering, highlighting his involvement in similar projects in Sri Lanka since 2010 and the assistance provided to disabled members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and civilians over the years.

In his remarks, the chief guest emphasised the Government's commitment to honour the sacrifices and dedication of the Tri-Forces during the past three decades of war and assured continued support to safeguard the nation in the future.

During a symbolic ceremony held as part of the programme, artificial limbs were donated to 4 deserving members of the Army. Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.