
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

05th September 2023 23:31:53 Hours

SLSR Regimental HQ with SVB Provides More Incentives to SLSR Family Members & War Heroes

The Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) HQ with the the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Seva Vanitha Branch (SLSR-SVB) on Saturday (2 September) launched one more mega welfare project for the best interests of the children of SLSR families, injured War Heroes, spouses of Army families and civilians by distributing school accessories (100 students), ten crutches and a wheelchair for disabled War Heroes, four sewing machines to daughters and wives for self-employment and spectacles for twenty-one civilians.

The entire welfare project, worth more than Rs. 2.5 million was organized following initiatives taken by Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardena RWP RSP ndu, Colonel of the Regiment and Quarter Master General and Mrs Omila Jayawardena, Chairperson, SLSR-SVB.

Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President of the Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) graced the distribution ceremony at the SLSR Regimental HQ as the Chief Guest at the invitation of the Mrs Omila Jayawardena, Chairperson, SLSR-SVB.

A group of philanthropists and donors sponsored this donation programme at the request of the SLSR. Brigadier C.S. Thibbotuge, SLSR Center Commandant together with members of SLSR-SVB, Senior Officers, Officers, children, parents, and recipients participated in this ceremony.