
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

12th June 2023 18:57:36 Hours

SLLI House Construction Project Gifts Two More New Houses to Soldiers

The conceptual notion of Major General C.D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu prompted all SLLI Battalions to construct separate houses for each most deserving soldier at respective Battalion level. During warming ceremonies, the day’s Chief Guest, Chief of Staff and Senior Officers gifted a stock of household essentials to both beneficiaries and special gifts to respective SLLI troops who built those houses as tokens of appreciation of their efforts.

The Brigade Commander of the 213 Infantry Brigade, the Center Commandant of the SLLI Regimental Centre, Commanding Officers of respective SLLI Battalions, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks also participated in both ceremonies. Sri Lanka Light Infantry Regiment (SLLI), now well geared to expand its ‘housing project’ at all unit levels for most deserving SLLI members completed the construction of two more new houses and formally warmed them during simple ceremonies at Anuradhapura on Thursday (June 08) in the presence of the architect of the project, Major General C.D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, Chief of Staff and Colonel of the Regiment of SLLI.

Replicas of the keys to those beneficiaries and family members were symbolically presented by the day’s Chief Guest.

The project is the continuation of the third phase of the ‘house construction’ for SLLI soldiers, selected from each unit according to a concept of the Colonel of the Regiment of SLLI who is instrumental in providing a decent home to all SLLI members.

Accordingly, a needy Non-Commissioned Officer of the 23 SLLI living in Nochchiyagama, Anuradhapura area was the recipient of a new house, erected by his own 23 SLLI troops using their manpower and technical skills under the supervision and guidance of Lieutenant Colonel N.I.P.K Gamage, Commanding Officer of 23 SLLI. The soldier is married and has two schooling daughters and a son.

In addition, on Friday (9), 14 (v) Sri Lanka Light Infantry troops with their expertise built one more house at Welioya, Ethawetunuwewa to a married soldier of the same unit with 3 kids, but without an own home, having completed more than 15 years of service in the Army. Major General C.D Weerasuriya RWP RSP ndu, Chief of Staff and Colonel of the Regiment of the Sri Lanka Light Infantry was present there to inaugurate the house.

Troops of the 14 (V) SLLI on the directions of the Commanding Officer, Major K.B Aththanayake provided their manpower, engineering and technical skills for the construction of the new house.

At the same time on Thursday (8), another deserving Non-Commissioned Officer of the 5 (V) SLLI residing at Anuradhapura, Mahadangaswewa, who has been serving in the Army for more than 14 years received the second house. He is married and has one daughter. Troops of the 5 (V) SLLI on the directions of the Commanding Officer, Major U.M.T.C Dharmasiri provided their manpower, engineering and technical skills for the construction of the new house. (See separate story)