03rd April 2024 18:40:15 Hours
The Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF) held an event to offer scholarships and cash incentives for 150 school children of Army personnel serving under the SLAVF on 03 April 2024 at the SLAVF Headquarters.
Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, the Commander of the Army together with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, the President of Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) graced the occasion as the chief guest.
The SLAVF troops greeted the arriving chief guest in a Drive Pass and Major General M.K. Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu, the Commandant of SLAVF warmly welcomed him to the premises.
The day started with the lighting of a traditional oil lamp and observing one-minute silence in honour of fallen War Heroes. A short documentary about SLAVF was also screened.
Commencing the event, the Commandant of SLAVF delivered the welcome note. Afterwards, 25 students who excelled in the GCE (A/L) exam and gained admission to universities were each awarded Rs. 50,000.00. Additionally, 63 students who achieved 9 A passes in Ordinary Level Examination were awarded Rs. 25,000.00 each, and 112 students who qualified at the Grade 5 Scholarship Examination received Rs. 10,000.00 each. During the event, 50 children symbolically received cash incentives, with the remaining amount to be distributed among other kids through SFHQ's.
The Commander of the Army together with the gathering of Senior Officers and members of ASVU joined in the incentive awarding session. Expressing gratitude, speeches were delivered by Major General M.T.K.R. Silva KSP, the Deputy Commandant of SLAVF, and a student representative. The gathering also had the opportunity to listen to a specially designed song for SLAVF.
In his address, the Commander of the Army reminisced about the rich history of SLAVF, highlighting the legacy of his own father’s involvement. He encouraged the children to pursue their educational activities with dedication and wished them success in their future endeavours.
Before departing, the Commander of the Army left complimentary remarks in the visitors' book. Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks and parents of the students were also present at the occasion.