
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

Published on - 11/16/2004

Sinha Regiment claims best shot and overall performance

Obstacle clearing and firing competition - 2004 organized by the 514 Brigade ended on 12 November 2004 with its awards ceremony held at the Headquarters of the 7 Sri Lanka Armoured (Volunteer) Corps (SLAC). Commander Security Forces Headquarters, Jaffna Major General SD Thennakoon as Chief Guest attended the occasion.

Lieutenant N G P Senarathne (O/63895) of 9/11 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment (SLSR) was adjudged the best shot among the officers whilst Corporal K G C Prasad (S/359604) from 8 SLSR received the medal for the best shot and best in overall performance among Other Ranks.

SLAC 7 (V) Headquarters platoon won the first place in the obstacle clearing and firing. Platoons of 9/11 SLSR and the 7 (V) SLAC squadron platoon won the second and third places respectively.

Major General S D Thennakoon gave away the medals, awards and certificates to the winners.

The event was also attended by Major General U B L Fernando, Commander 51 Division, Brigade Commanders of 512, 513, 514, 516 Brigades, Officers and Other Ranks of 514 Brigade and Senior Police Officers in the Jaffna Police Division.