
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

02nd May 2017 16:49:20 Hours

SFHQ-West Troops Continue Their Cleaning Projects

The ongoing waste management project, initiated by the Security Force Headquarters - West (SFHQ-West) inside the Panagoda Army Cantonment and the Army residential complex at Kendalanda repeated its cleaning ‘Shramadana’ during April 29 – May 01 with a view to identifying any Dengue breeding spots and cleaning up the areas under the arrangement.

During the 3-day long programme, launched on the directions of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Forces - West, troops of the SFHQ-West piled up garbage at specific locations and took steps to either bury the garbage or dispose it methodically after separating all pieces of garbage.

The attention was also paid to identify specific locations for collection of garbage in the areas covered by the cleaning project and specific awareness boards were also put up in selected places.

In the most recent past, several Army personnel residing in above areas also fell victim to Dengue and received treatment from the Colombo Army Hospital and the Panagoda Army Base Hospital. This situation prompted the SFHQ-West to launch this ongoing progarmme in these places.

Troops of the SFHQ-West and Engineer Brigade with the participation of medical officers and Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) in Homagama area too supported the prevention programme.

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