
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

30th May 2023 21:36:37 Hours

Ranaviru Resource Centre, Now 10 Years Old

The Ranaviru Resource Centre (RRC) at Hekitta, Wattala on account of its 10th anniversary launched few programmes on Wednesday (May 24) under the guidance of Brigadier T.H.D.S.R Sirimanna USP, Commandant, RRC.

Prior to the anniversary day, a ‘Pirith’ chanting ceremony got underway at the premises on Monday (May 22) where the Commandant RRC took part as the Chief Guest for the chanting ceremony.

On the Anniversary day, the RRC Commandant was saluted with a colourful Guard Turnout at the entrance by 14 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment troops before he was invited to plant a sapling in the compound.

After his formal address to the troops, he joined the troops for lunch as a special feature of the day.