
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

21st June 2022 12:58:30 Hours

Pre-School Kids Provided with Lunch Treat

Generosity of 562 Brigade troops of the 56 Division HQ under command to Security Forces Headquarters - Wanni (SFHQ- Wanni) offered a lunch treat to the kids at the Ichchankulam pre-school during their annual sports festival on 17 June 2022.

About sixteen kids, teachers and parents were also provided this treat by the troops in a move to further promote good relations between members of the Security Forces and the community in the area. Troops pocketed out their own money for a good cause.

Major General Champaka Ranasinghe, Commander, Security Forces - Wanni, Major General Saman Liyanage, General Officer Commanding, 56 Division and Colonel J.M.A Jayasekara, Commander, 562 Brigade provided much-needed guidance to the success of the event.

Senior officers, officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.