
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

02nd May 2017 17:00:33 Hours

One More Meditation Session at Kanduboda Heals Minds of Service Personnel

A project that has been devised by the Directorate of Psychological Operations at the Army Headquarters to elevate spiritual standards as well as mental peace among hardworking tri-service Officers and Other Ranks, had one more meditation session organized at Kanduboda, Bawunseth Siyane International Vipassana Bhavana Centre for two days. (April 29 and May 02)

A selected number of Army and Navy personnel attended the meditation programme, conducted by its Chief Incumbent Ven. Diyasenpura Wimala Thero, an eminent meditation practitioner. The programme went on throughout all two days.

The approach, introduced by the Army Directorate of Psychological Operations on the recommendations of the Commander of the Army has gained popularity among tri-service personnel.

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