
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

23rd July 2024 18:11:40 Hours

Newly Appointed GOC of 21 Infantry Division Visits 212 Infantry Brigade and Battalions

Major General W.M.S.C.K Wanasinghe RSP USP, the newly appointed General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the 21 Infantry Division, visited the 212 Infantry Brigade and its under command Battalions on 17 July 2024.

Upon arrival, the visiting Senior Officer was honoured in a drive-pass. Afterwards, the Commander of the Brigade, along with the Commanding Officers of the 7 (Volunteer) Sri Lanka Armoured Corps and the 4 Sri Lanka National Guard, provided detailed briefings on functions and administrative matters pertaining to the Brigade and Battalions. Following this, the GOC planted saplings in the camp premises and then addressed the troops.

Senior Officers, Officers, and Other Ranks participated in the event.