
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

26th August 2019 10:06:07 Hours

New Painting Machine in SFHQ-Cen, 'Innovations' Wins the Day

The annual platform that brings out troops' inherent creative skills and innovative creations, ‘innovations’ to the fore as one of the major future challenges and a spectacle had its presence at the Torch Cinema, Sri Lanka Military Academy on Friday (23) following arrangements, put in place by the Security Force Headquarters - Central (SFHQ-C) with the backing given by troops in all 11, 12, Divisions.

31 new innovations were put up by those central troops depicting their creative skills including those of the Officer Cadets of Sri Lanka Military Academy and Divisions, Brigades, Units, Training School. It was opened by Brigadier S.M.S.P.B Samarakoon, Brigadier General Staff SFHQ-C. 12 new innovations from SLMA Officer Cadets were also on display at the venue.

Professor D.P.R.E Kalidasa, University of Uva -Wellassa, Mrs S.T.I Wimaladasa, senior lecturer, University of Uva Wellassa, Lieutenant Colonel Gunasena of Research and Development branch were among the selecting panelists.

The 1st place was won by the painting machine created by the Private DAC Kumara of 10(v) Engineer Service Regiment which is of low cost and applicable to vehicles and even in buildings. Nike Sneakers Store | adidas Ultra Boost 1.0 DNA ZX 9000 Mint - Grailify