26th July 2024 16:34:54 Hours
Mrs. Anoma Laphir, the spouse of late Colonel Fazly Laphir PWV RWP RSP, called on the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu on 25 July 2024.
Colonel Fazly Laphir is remembered for his heroic sacrifice during an operation to relieve the besieged Mullaitivu Army base on 18 July 1996. Volunteering to lead the rescue mission, he was air-dropped under heavy enemy fire. Despite being severely wounded, he continued to lead his men until he succumbed to an explosion on the battlefield.
In recognition of his extraordinary bravery to save the lives of 1,500 comrades, he was awarded the “Parama Weera Vibhushanaya,” the highest award for valour, and posthumously promoted to the rank of Colonel.
During the meeting, the Army Chief commended the unparalleled service rendered by late Colonel Fazly Laphir PWV RWP RSP. Finally, the Commander of the Army presented a memento to Mrs. Anoma Laphir.