15th August 2023 23:58:20 Hours
The Sri Lanka Army Seva Vanitha Unit (ASVU) at the Army HQ, dedicated to the welfare of all members of the Army and their families, on Tuesday (15 August) launched one more gesture of generosity by providing 100 dry ration packs to soldiers serving the Army HQ.
At the invitation of Mrs Janaki Liyanage, President, ASVU, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army as the Chief Guest joined the distribution of those relief packs to the beneficiaries.
During the simple ceremony, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, together with Mrs. Janaki Liyanage, Major General S.R.B Aluvihare RWP RSP ndu psc, Adjutant General and Major General J.A.R.S.K Jayasekara USP psc, Director General Electrical and Mechanical Engineering joined the distribution of those incentives.
At the same occasion, the Army Chief was invited to gift a tablet computer, needed for studies to the daughter of a soldier in an attempt to encourage her for higher education. The ASVU has coordinated the award of the gift.
Each relief pack included daily needs and packeted essentials. ASVU Senior Members, Brigadier Coordinating of ASVU, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.