
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

01st December 2020 20:02:48 Hours

More & More Smuggled Turmeric Stocks Detected in Mannar

7 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR) and troops of the 543 Brigade under the 54 Division HQ in Mannar apprehended a suspect together with smuggled turmeric during a search at the Mannar Bridge road block this morning (2).

The suspect was arrested while transporting 534 kg of turmeric from Mannar to Medawachchiya using false documents after stopping the vehicle for a search.

The value of the turmeric stock exceeds Rs 3.2 m. Army, Navy and Air Force troops throwing their full-weight behind the government's all-out war against narcotics, drugs and smuggling of contraband have in the past few days recovered drugs, turmeric and other contraband from Mannar and elsewhere. Investigations are underway. latest jordan Sneakers | New Balance 991 Footwear