
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

More Community Projects Carried Out in East

Soldiers serving in different areas of the Security Force Headquarters - East (SFHQ-E) in the past one week carried out several community-oriented Shramadana projects with the objective of keeping the environment clean.

15 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) troops in Surangal under 224 Brigade and 6 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment (VIR) troops in Thiriyaya under 221 Brigade conducted Shramadana projects in Agbopura temple areas, Thiriyaya Senthur Pre-School areas and at Mollipothana Sinhala Maha Vidyalaya premises.

In the meantime, 5 Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA) troops in Thopur under 224 Brigade organized the distribution of 8 push bicycles among Koonathivu Navalar school students, donated to them by ‘ASSIST “RR” organization.    

All those projects were conducted on the instructions of the SFHQ-E.