
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

05th May 2024 22:15:11 Hours

Major General G.M.N Perera RWP RSP USP ndc Graces Pannipitiya Dharmapala Vidyalaya’s Sports Meet as the Chief Guest

Major General G.M.N Perera RWP RSP USP ndc, Quarter Master General Sri Lanka Army, Colonel of the Regiment of Sri Lanka Light Infantry and Overlooking Director General General Staff, graced the Dharmapala Vidyalaya Annual Inter House Sports Meet as the Chief Guest on 26 April 2024.

The Chief Guest was honored with a Street Line, a colorful Drill Display from the school cadet platoon followed by the March-past presented by the students of the school.

Upon arrival, Mrs. Maheshika Rupasinghe, the Principal of the school, extended a warm welcome to the Chief Guest. The event showcased exceptional athletic talents and recognized the outstanding achievements of Dharmapala Vidyalaya athletes.

During his address, Major General G.M.N Perera RWP RSP USP ndc gave pieces of advice to students of the school emphasizing the aim of life, how to manage the time to achieve own targets. Further, he explained that students who have multiple talents could win the challenges in the future. Finally, he said that every student should identify the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of their life, if they wish to succeed.

Senior Officers, Officers, Old Boys of the college, Teachers, Students and Parents participated in the event.

(Photo Courtesy: Dharmapala Vidyalaya, Pannipitiya)