
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

12th February 2024 11:25:50 Hours

Major General A.H.L.G Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc Visits 17 Engineer Services Regiment

Major General A.H.L.G Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc, the Director General Financial Management and Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Engineer Services, made a visit to the 17 Engineer Services Regiment (17 ESR) at Diyatalawa on Wednesday (07 February 2024).

The visit commenced with the inauguration of the Creators Book Shop at Diyatalawa. Following this, Major General A.H.L.G Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc made his inaugural visit to 17 ESR. In conformity with military traditions, he was warmly welcomed by Lieutenant Colonel E.A.D.P Edirisinghe Lsc, Commanding Officer of 17 ESR and accorded a Guard Turnout on his arrival at the main entrance.

Following the formalities, the Commanding Officer provided a comprehensive briefing on the unit's tasks, responsibilities and recent achievements. Subsequently, the Colonel Commandant posed for a group photograph and addressed the troops, inspiring them with his words of encouragement and gratitude for their service. Later, he engaged in an All Ranks tea, providing an opportunity for interaction with All Ranks. Afterwards, he conducted an inspection in the camp premises, ensuring the readiness and efficiency of the facilities.

The visit concluded with the Colonel Commandant signing the Visitors' Book, symbolizing the significance of his visit.

Brigadier Y.K.S Rangika psc ptsc, Director of Engineer Services, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.