
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

07th June 2024 08:12:49 Hours

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage Inaugurates New Auditorium at Maduru Oya Army Training School

Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, inaugurated the newly constructed auditorium at the Maduru Oya Army Training School (ATS) on 06 June 2024. Brigadier K.T.P Silva RSP ndu psc, Commandant of ATS, warmly welcomed the Army Chief after troops greeted him with a Drive Pass.

During the ceremony, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu was invited to cut the ribbon and unveil the plaque of the "Captivate" Auditorium, marking its official inauguration. Then, a short video clip was played, showcasing the construction process of the newly built auditorium. He then conducted an inspection and visited the interior of the auditorium, ensuring its readiness for high-level programs to benefit the course participants at ATS with a seating capacity for 400. The successful completion of this project was made possible by the dedicated technical and workforce assistance provided by troops from the 3 Engineer Services Regiment.

The Commander then interacted with foreign Officers of Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare Course. Then, exchange of mementoes between the visiting Commander of the Army and the foreign Officers was took place. To commemorate the day, he posed for group photographs with the ATS staff and the foreign officers.

Further enhancing the day's events, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage was invited to plant a sapling in the compound.

Afterwards, an exchange of mementoes between the visiting Commander of the Army and the ATS Commandant was took place.

The Commander then participated in a tea arrangement and concluded the day's agenda by penning down some complimentary remarks in the visitors’ book.

The Commander Security Force - East, Director General General Staff, Director of Training, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks also took part in those events.