
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

21st June 2022 10:50:06 Hours

Lecture on ‘Personal Development and Motivation for All Ranks’ Held

Setting out his plans in action, Major General Sujeewa Senerath Yapa, following the assumption of office as the 49th Commandant of Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force conducted his maiden lecture on ‘Personal Development and Motivation for All Ranks’ on Friday (17) at the SLAVF.

He basically focused the lecture on ‘PACE’ planning which is a simple and effective tool used to accomplish mission and get the job done efficiently and effectively. He highlighted the importance of following such plan through primary, alternative, contingency and emergency planning to the success of professional and military life.

A large gathering of senior officers, officers and Other Ranks in the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force were present for this informative lecture.