
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

JF Packaging Employees Donate One Day Salary for Wellness Resort

A SUM OF Rs. 100,000/= collected from the day's salary of JF Packaging Pvt Ltd employees was handed over to President Seva Vanitha Army Branch (SVAB) Mrs. Manjulika Jayasuriya by Mr. Lakshman De Zoysa, Managing Director of the Company together with several of their executives on Thursday (29) for the use of SVAB's proposed Welfare Resort. Another donation of Rs. 25,090/= for the same purpose was recieved by the President SVAB Mrs. Jayasuriya at the same time. The collection was contributed by a Sri Lankan domiciled in Canada Mrs. Shirani Withana with the coordination of Mrs. Kepani Hettiarachchi, a senior member of  Sri Lanka Signal Corps Seva Vanitha Unit.

The donations are to be used for construction work of the proposed a “Wellness Resort” for totally disabled soldiers, a project initiated by the SVAB.

This is the first instance that employees of private institution donated their one-day salary for this project . 

Meanwhile, a donation of Rs. 50,000/= was made from the SVAB fund for medical treatment of the soldier S/626431 Private KG Saman of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Regiment  who is suffering from Leukemia. Staff Sergeant B Jayawardane accepted cheque representing the Regiment.