
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th May 2024 19:23:24 Hours

Inter-Branch Tape Ball Tournament Adds Sporting Spirit to SLAVF

Under the directions of Major General M.K Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu, the Commandant of the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force (SLAVF), an Inter-Branch Tape Ball Cricket Tournament took place on 02 May 2024 at Rendezvous Grounds, HQ SLAVF, Seethawaka. The tournament featured 9 teams representing all branches of HQ SLAVF.

After a series of 8 matches, the final showdown unfolded between the General Staff Branch Team and the Administrative Branch Team. The General Staff Branch exhibited prowess, scoring 73 runs with 3 wickets in 10 overs. In response, the Administrative Branch managed only 52 runs with 8 wickets down, resulting in the General Staff Branch claiming the championship and the Administrative Branch securing the runners-up position.

Lance Corporal Y.M.P.G.K Yaparathna from the General Staff Branch was honored as the Man Of the Match for an outstanding performance. Additionally, Lance Corporal Ranasinghe from the same branch received recognition as the Man of the Tournament, showcasing consistent excellence throughout the competition.