
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

18th October 2023 21:37:46 Hours

Helpless Mullattivu Family Gets Army-Built New House

643 Infantry Brigade troops, together with 8 Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA) troops erected a new house for a one-more low-income group family and vested it in the beneficiaries during a simple ceremony on Friday (13 October) in the presence of Major General M. K Jayawardena RSP VSV USP ndu, Commander, Security Forces - Mullaitivu as the Chief Guest.

At the request of the Security Force HQ - Mullaittivu, a group of philanthropists came forward to provide all raw materials free of charge to Army technicians and engineers for construction purposes.

The miserable plight of Mr K Raja, an unemployed father, living with his spouse and two disabled children in Jeewanagar, Mullaitivu was brought to the notice of the troops by the Grama Seva official. The family was living in a shanty without proper security or health safety at the time troops volunteered to do the construction on the directions of the Brigadier C.D Wickramanayake WV RSP, Brigade Commander 643 Infantry Brigade and Major General M.S Devapriya USP ndc, General Officer Commanding 64 Infantry Division.

8 SLA troops under the supervision of the Commanding Officer completed the construction within a short span of time. In addition, the house was fully furnished and all the essential items were gifted to them during the house-warming ceremony.

General Officer Commanding of 64 Infantry Division, 641, 642 and 643 Brigade Commanders, Senior Officers, Officers, representatives of the donors including Major T.S Bohoran (Retd), Other Ranks and a crowd of relatives and locals were present during the occasion.