
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

31st May 2017 22:50:19 Hours

GW Secures the Championship in Inter Regiment Practical Rifle Meet

The annual Inter Regiment Practical Rifle Shooting Meet, organized by the Army Small Arms Association got underway at Diyatalawa 1000m firing range during 20-29 May.

Its prize awarding ceremony took place on Monday (29), headed by Major General Upul Vithanage, Commander, Security Forces - Central (SF-C) as the Chief Guest for the occasion.

This year’s Practical Shooting Meet, consisted of 40 teams as attempts are being made to elevate the field of rifle-shooting to be on par with international standards.

Attaching importance to the event, males and females from 20 Regiments took part in the tournament, watched by hundreds of fans and supporters.

Team championship of the event was won by Gemunu Watch (GW) shooters after securing championships in Novice Team and also in the open Team Competitions.

Major General Upul Vithanage, Commander, SF-C, and many Senior Officers were also present during the final leg of the tournament.

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