
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

19th February 2024 18:59:34 Hours

GOC 59 Division Interacts with 593 Brigade Troops

Major General W.M.P.M. Wijesooriya RWP RSP ndu, General Officers Commanding (GOC) of 59 Infantry Division recently visited 593 Infantry Brigade and its under-command Battalions on Thursday (08 February 2024) with the intention of inquiring security concerns and administrative matters in the area.

Brigadier H.V.A. Somaweera RWP RSP USP, Commander of 593 Infantry Brigade warmly welcomed the visiting General Officers Commanding (GOC) of 59 Infantry Division to the premises following the military formalities.

Aftermath, Brigade Commander and under-command Commanding Officers conducted briefings on their respective roles, tasks and security concerns in the area. Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks took part in the visit.