
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th June 2017 16:12:03 Hours

Gemunu Watch New Colonel of the Regiment Assumes Office

Major General Dampath Fernando assumed duties as the 13th Colonel of the Regiment of the Gemunu Watch (GW) amidst religious observances at his office in the GW Regimental Headquarters at Kuruwita on Saturday (10).

The day’s programme commenced with a Guard Turnout presented to the new Colonel of the Regiment on arrival in accordance with military traditions. GW Centre Commandant welcomed Major General Dampath Fernando at the entrance to the premises.

The parade presented afterwards by Gemunu Watch troops saluted the new Colonel of the Regiment in the parade ground as a military formality. The incoming Colonel of the Regiment, accompanied by the Parade Commander, together with the Centre Commandant reviewed the parade in accordance with military formalities.

Later on, the new Colonel of the Regiment signed an official document to symbolize the acceptance of his new office. A few minutes later, he planted a sapling in the premises and added memories to the occasion before he joined with All Ranks for refreshments.

All Commanding Officers, Officers of the Regiment and invitees took part in the inauguration of his new office.

The new Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Dampath Fernando, who is also the Commander Security Forces - Mullaittivu, succeeds Major General Upul Vithanage who retired recently.

Mrs. Anusha Fernando, the Chairperson, Gemunu Watch Seva Vanitha Unit, family members, Major General Aruna Jayasekera, General Officer Commanding, 22 Infantry Division, Senior Officers, Staff Officers at the Regimental Centre and Other Ranks participated in the event.

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