
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

26th May 2023 11:06:13 Hours

Gajaba Officers Educated on ‘How to Engage Media in Tactical Encounters’

Colonel A.M.D.B Adhikari RWP RSP psc, Colonel Media of the Directorate of Media conducted a comprehensive lecture on ‘How to Engage Media in Tactical Encounters’ during the Gajaba Regiment second quarter officers' training day at Gajaba Regiment Regimental Headquarters, Saliyapura on 26 March.

During his lecture, he explained the offices on the subject of ‘Media behaviour in contemporary environment specially in social media’, ‘its impacts to organizational behaviour and culture’, ‘Negative and Positive Impact to organizational cohesiveness and what are the counter messes’.

More than 100 Gajaba Officers participated in the training day session.