
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th September 2023 20:36:42 Hours

Empowering Excellence SLEME SNCOs Begins 2nd 'Artificer' Course

The inauguration ceremony of the six-month long ‘Diploma in Industrial Management for Artificer Qualification’ course took place at the Sri Lanka-Korea National Vocational Training Institute in Orugodawatta on Monday (11 Sept).

The Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering coordinated the course in close collaboration with the National Vocational Training Authority (NVTA).

This ‘Artificer’ qualification, recognized across Commonwealth nations, serves as a testament to the skill and proficiency of military personnel in various trades while significantly contributing to the country’s economic revival.

In collaboration with the National Vocational Training Authority (NVTA), the initiative was taken by Major General J.A.R.S.K Jayasekara USP psc, Director General of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DEME).

The six-month-long second (For Army personnel) ‘Artificer’ course, which commenced on 11 September, 2023 is attended by 20 Senior Non-Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers of the Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Regiment (SLEME). This course is meticulously designed to empower military personnel with specialized expertise, equipping them to excel in diverse trades and fields.

Major General J.A.R.S.K Jayasekara USP psc, Director General of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, a few Senior Officers, principal at Sri Lanka-Korea National Vocational Training Institute, Mr Prabhath Sirisena, Ms Rohini Chandralatha, Course co-coordinator and Mr Raveen Padmajith, Training Officer K- Tec were present during the inaugural ceremony.