
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

15th September 2023 18:17:06 Hours

CTS Conducts Special Tailor-made Course for Prison Officers

Responding to a request made by the Prisons Department, the Combat Training School (CTS) in Ampara recently conducted a 16-day long Special Refresher Course for Prison Officers following instructions given by Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army.

The course was comprised various modules, related to personal discipline, leadership training and drills. 10 selected Prison Officers participated in the training representing all island-wide prisons.

The certificate-awarding ceremony for course attendees got underway on Thursday (14 Sep) in the presence of Brigadier D.R.N Hettiarachchi RWP RSP USP, Commandant of CTS as the Chief Guest, together with Dr Chandana Ekanayake, Additional Commissioner General of Prisons and Prisons Press Officer.

Prison Officer P.D Perera achieved the first in order of merits in the Course. Senior Officers, Officers, Mr Kavinda Premawansa, Chief Jailor and Other Ranks also took part in the event.