
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

17th September 2023 20:30:37 Hours

CR - SVB Spearheads Distribution of School Accessories

A programme for the distribution of exercise books and school accessories to the children of civil employees serving in the Commando Regiment (CR) took place on Saturday (09 September) at Ganemulla CR Regimental center lecture hall.

The gesture was organized under the guidelines given by Mrs. Nimali Ranatunga, Chairperson, CR Seva Vanitha Branch (CR-SVB).

During this programme, exercise books and school accessories were shared among 160 school-going students of 99 civil employees. The occasion saw 21 students symbolically receiving those incentives on that day.

Furthermore, a financial contribution was made available to a Lance Corporal whose house was completely destroyed by fire in the recent past. The construction of a new house is to be supported by the CR-SVB.

Major General P.G.P.S Rathnayake RWP RSP ndc, General Officer Commanding, 53 Infantry Division and Colonel of the Regiment, Commando Regiment, Brigadier B.M.S.K.K Dharmawardana RWP RSP USP, Center Commandant, and Brigadier K.V.I.L Jayaweera USP, the Brigade Commander, Commando Regiment, Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.