
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

07th December 2020 07:00:19 Hours

On Commander’s Initiative, Regional Service Workshop for Artificial Limbs Established in Wellawaya

In order to further facilitate physically-handicapped War Heroes, resident in the general areas of Moneragala, Ampara, Badulla and Hambantota districts, a new service workshop for repair of artificial limbs was established at Wellawaya-based 5 Gemunu Watch camp after instructions to that effect were given to the Directorate of Rehabilitation by the Commander of the Army for expansion of the project when he recently inaugurated the own workshop at the Ragama Ranaviru Sevana.

Establishment of such service centres for re-adjustments or repairs of artificial limbs at regional level would greatly minimize inconvenience, caused to those differently-able War Heroes living in remote areas and facilitate them to get those needs done while being inside a military camp if the respective service would take a longer time due to technicalities, etc.

This new workshop unit at 5 Gemunu Watch camp would accordingly benefit 1013 differently-able War Heroes, permanently resident in Moneragala, Ampara, Badulla and Hambantota districts.

Brigadier Thushan Senarathna, Commandant at Ragama Ranaviru Sevana wellness resort and Brigadier Ajith Senadheera, Deputy Director of the Directorate of Rehabilitation, 2nd in command of the Gemunu Watch camp, Officer Commanding of the new service workshop and a few differently able War Heroes in the area were associated with the inaugural occasion. Authentic Nike Sneakers | Nike Off-White