
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

29th November 2020 06:00:37 Hours

Commander SFHQ- KLN Speaks to 65 Division Troops

Commander, Security Forces - Kilinochchi (SFHQ -KLN), Major General Sampath Kotuwegoda made his first official visit to the 65 Infantry Division on 28 November 2020. This visit was made in order to address the troops, prior to becoming detached from the Security Force HQ-Kilinochchi under a new restructuring programme, yet to see the light.

On arrival at the 65 Division HQ, Commander Security Forces Kilinochchi was received by the General Officer Commanding, 65 Division, Major General Tikiri Dissanayake, and was honoured in a Guard Turnout.

Subsequently, the Commander SFHQ-KLN posed for group photographs with the Staff of the 65Division. Later, he addressed the troops of the 65 Division and appreciated the effective services, rendered by all ranks to the Security Force HQ- Kilinochchi.

The visiting SFHQ-KLN Commander planted a sapling as a symbol and left his signature in the visitors’ book to mark his visit. Sports Shoes | Nike Shoes