11th August 2024 07:17:56 Hours
Major General J.P.C. Peiris RWP RSP ndc, Commander Security Force (Wanni), visited the Headquarters of Forward Maintenance Area (FMA) Mullaittivu and its under-command Battalions on 06 August 2024.
The visiting Commander was warmly welcomed by Colonel D.B.C. Jayasinghe RSP psc, the Commander - FMA, along with the Commanding Officers. During his visit, he posed for a group photograph and was briefed on the responsibilities, roles, and tasks of FMA and the respective Battalions.
Later, the Commander addressed the troops and visited the under-command Battalions and Army Base Hospital, Mullaittivu. Concluding the day's proceedings, the Commander Security Force (Wanni) penned down some complimentary remarks in the visitors’ book.
Senior Officers, Officers, and Other Ranks participated in the event.