
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

25th December 2015 15:44:08 Hours

Commander’s Christmas Message

It is with great pleasure that I extend my greetings on the joyous occasion of Christmas, which is celebrated today all over the world by Christians.

Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace and the saviour of mankind, who sacrificed his life for the sake of peace and love. Jesus Christ dedicated his life to spreading the message of love and compassion towards the rich and poor alike and was committed to peace among all people. The Christian messages of humanity, love for all beings, and humility are seen in the birth of Christ, which took place in a stable and where his first worshippers were humble shepherds. Christmas, which is a celebration of humanity and mankind, is an opportunity to revive hope and anticipation, which can encourage all Christians, including those who may be feeling distressed or lonely at this point in their lives.

Therefore, Christmas, which promotes unity and solidarity among communities, in keeping with the teaching of Jesus Christ to “love thy neighbour”, is a fitting occasion for Christians as well as others to pave the way for the liberation of humankind with the teaching of universal love, tolerance and understanding.

This festive day of Christmas, which underlines the great spiritual values of Christianity, is filled with the spirit of love, sharing and forgiveness. Moreover, it is an occasion for Christians to strive for greater spirituality, and foster understanding and harmony among communities. Christmas is also of importance to all Christians as it is the time of family reunions, and sharing of gifts. Thus it is truly an occasion that transcends social and other man-made barriers. The religious rituals and festivities that Christians practice during this time of celebration are reflective of the love and blessings all of us shower on each other that share this land, and the nature that sustains all.

The glow of Christmas will spread a message of joy amongst people who cherish the values of Christianity and will promote the spirit of sharing in the comfort and tranquillity of peace.

So, on this special day, while we exchange good wishes, may the message of Christmas lead you all to the joy of a memorable festival of enlightened harmony.

I wish a happy and peaceful Christmas to all Christians on behalf of the Sri Lanka Army.