
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

13th May 2024 19:19:32 Hours

CES Regimental HQ Opens its New Facility for Warrant Officers & Sergeants

The Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, at the invitation of Major General A.H.L.G Amarapala RWP RSP ndc psc, Director General of Financial Management and Colonel Commandant of Corps of Engineer Services (CES), graced the opening ceremony of the newly constructed Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess at the Regimental Centre of the Corps of Engineer Services on 13 May 2024 as the Chief Guest.

Troops of the CES showcased their expertise in engineering and technical skills in the construction of this building. The proposed areas for this building include a spacious dining hall, ration stores, ration office, kitchen, changing room, bar and lobby facilities, and the ground floor is currently completed as the initial phase.

Upon the arrival of chief guest, the Colonel Commandant of CES, together with the Major General S.W.M Fernando WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc, the Commander of Security Force - West, welcomed the Commander of the Army and he was accorded a Drive Pass.

After a while, the Commander of the Army, together with other Senior Officers, moved into the newly constructed Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess premises and was invited to unveil the special plaque and cut the ribbon amidst the chanting of 'Seth Pirith' by the members of Maha Sangha. Having performed the traditional formalities, the Commander of the Army closely inspected the interior design and commended the efforts of the CES members for their successful completion of the facility.

In signifying the Army Commander's visit, an exchange of mementoes took place between the Army Chief and Regimental Sergeant Major of CES. The event was further solidified with the Commander of the Army planting a sapling in the compound and posing for several group photographs with the participants.

Addressing the gathering, the Army Chief appreciated the efforts that had been made by the CES troops for large scale island-wide projects such as “Sandha Hiru Seya”. Following the address, the gathering moved to the Officers’ Mess and the Commander penned down some complimentary remarks in the visitors' book. The day concluded with the Colonel Commandant of CES presenting a memento to the Commander of the Army, marking a memorable visit.

Senior Officers, Officers and Other Ranks participated in the event.