
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

25th March 2024 15:44:16 Hours

Barathi Sports Club Crowned Champions in 64 Infantry Division Interclub Soccer Tournament

Under the guidance of Major General M.S Devapriya USP ndc, the General Officer Commanding of the 64 Infantry Division, the 642 Infantry Brigade organized the ‘64 Infantry Division Challenge Trophy Interclub Soccer Tournament - 2024’ at Oddusudan Maha Vidyalaya Ground.

The tournament commenced with initial matches held on 09 and 10 March 2024 with the participation of nine sports clubs. During the grand finals held on 17 March 2024, 'Walarmadi' Sports Club and 'Barathi' Sports Club competed for victory. Ultimately, 'Barathi' Sports Club emerged as the champions of the tournament.

Commanders from the 641 and 642 Infantry Brigades, Senior Officers, Officers, Other Ranks, and Government Officials participated in the tournament.