
Sri Lanka Army

Defender of the Nation

04th May 2021 13:51:23 Hours

ARTRAC Educates All SFHQs & Regimental HQs on 'Army Doctrine'

The Army Training Command (ARTRAC-HQ) Headquarters took the initiative of conducting a series of lectures on 'Army Capstone Doctrine' covering all SFHQs and Regimental HQs on the instruction of Major General Sena Waduge, Commander ARTRAC.

This progrmme was aimed at enhancing the awareness of the Officers in the Sri Lanka Army on the particular subject. Colonel Strategy and Doctrine of the ARTRAC, Lieutenant Colonel D. L. U. De Thabrew Sri Lanka Light Infantry representing the ARTRAC conducted the lectures that covered establishments ranging from the SFHQ (KLN), SFHQ (MLT), SFHQ (Jaffna), SFHQ (West), SFHQ (East), SFHQ (Cen), OCDC - Buttala, ASL-TCO, RHQ SLAC, RHQ MIC, RHQ SLAGSC and RHQ SLLI, RHQ SLE and the RHQ VIR in the past few weeks ending in April.

Up to date, 1119 officers covering all officer ranks including Major Generals, Brigadiers and Colonels, participated the discussions in different venues where they had appreciated the ARTRAC’s initiative of conducting the lectures/workshops on the particular subject matter. In the future, in coordination with the regimental training days, the lecture series will be continued for the rest of the Regiments of the Sri Lanka Army.